Bio-availability articles

The University of Washington bio-availability final report and comments to Ecology and EPA has a number of references. Below are links to specific references (articles) professor Brett believes may be useful to committee members.

Phosphorus control is critical to mitigating eutrophication

Controlling Eutrophication: Nitrogen and Phosphorus

Eutrophication Debate

The Bioavailability of Effluent

Coastal Marine Eutrophication

Eutrophication of Lakes cannot be Controlled by Reducing Nitrogen Input

Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Aluminum 1988

Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Zinc 1987

Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual: Lakes and Reservoirs

Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual: Rivers and Streams

The Bioavailability and Toxicity of Aluminum in Aquatic Environments. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 29: 4, 315 — 450 Click here for abstract.

George, D. B., Berk, S. G., Adams, V. D., Ting, R. S., Roberts, R. O., Parks, L. H., Lott, R. C. (1995) Toxicity of alum sludge extracts to a freshwater alga, protozoan, fish, and marine bacterium. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 29:2, 149 – 158. Click here for abstract.