Prescription Drug Take-Back & Shred Event, April 28th

The Spokane Valley Police Department will safely dispose of prescriptions at their 12710 E Sprague parking lot on April 28th. Click here for flyer. Click here for public service announcement video.

Not disposing of prescription drugs properly can create both health and safety issues for friends and loved ones. Further, they may pose a threat to our river and aquifer system.

Locally and nationally, Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) are showing up in waterways. A major reason is that wastewater treatment plants don’t remove pharmaceuticals from the water that they treat and discharge into waterways. On the Spokane River, there are five wastewater treatment plants that discharge into the Spokane River from Coeur d’Alene to the City of Spokane.

Although little is known about the potential for harm to human or ecological health from these compounds, nationally scientists are concerned about possible effects on drinking water and aquatic wildlife.

So play it safe and help keep our aquifer and river water quality pristine by:

  • Not flushing unused portions of prescriptions or personal care products down the toilet;
  • If your trash is going to a landfill, put them into a leak-proof container before disposal;
  • Take advantage of prescription take-back programs like the one being sponsored April 28th.