Water is a talent issue

Our H20 Breakfast keynote, Craig Mackey, has a message to share: water is a talent issue.

As Co-Director of Protect the Flows, which recently merged with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, his message comes from years of experience working with businesses and communities throughout the west. Register now.

“Businesses and the work force are more mobile than ever. That translates into expanded choices for millennials deciding where to set down roots. These dynamics make clean, available water with recreational access a talent issue for communities securing their future,” said Craig.

As the millennium unfolds and millennials take charge, an aha moment came to Craig as he worked with businesses on water issues. According to Craig, “No one wants to say we’re running out of water, or that growth and recruiting talent requires conservation and/or higher costs. For businesses, though, it’s now in their enlightened self-interest to engage in that conversation, so they’re becoming the moderating voice.”

At the H20 Breakfast, Craig will share how businesses are engaging in development of balanced water policy; using technology, communications, their supply change, and net zero principles to simultaneously support conservation and the bottom line; engage in public-private partnerships to support restoration and stream flow; and promoting recreational access to rivers and trails as a market differentiator.

“Some communities,” said Craig “are farther along in the conversation than others. If you’re in San Diego or LA, people see and feel the need every day. Others need to work harder at explaining the benefits of proactive action now vs. trying to play catch-up later.”

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