Bulldog Salute

Gonzaga_Bulldogs_03So a nice young woman unexpectedly rang the Forum doorbell. Her name was Claire, and she came to let us know that GEO, a group of students who strive to make Gonzaga and the surrounding community more environmentally conscious and sustainable, raised some funds for us as part of a night out at Wild Walls.

GEO is the same group that has helped us with plantings and restoration, most recently at our Islands Trailhead project. Sheepishly she said that they had raised $17.50, with plans to do more next year.

For us, this ranks up there with best donation of the year. Why? Because Claire and students at Gonzaga are out there doing things. They volunteer, they fund raise without even being asked, and best of all they are as genuine and sincere as the day is long.

The students we’ve worked with at Whitworth, Eastern and Spokane Falls are the same. They also come to our conference where they also participate, learn and present along with the managers and researchers they will one day work with.

Our community and river are very lucky to have students turning out for what they care about.

Often they are characterized as wired up in a social media world with apps and attitudes sharply different than their baby boom parents or silent generation grandparents. The Forum sees it differently.

We see them as being the exceptional, decent, caring and thoughtful young adults that epitomize the best of generations before them. That they are doing it in a world where speed, connectivity and possibilities (good and bad) occur at rates never imagined just makes them that much more extraordinary. To us, Claire in 2016 is as remarkable and special as her parents and grandparents from previous generations.

To Claire and all the other millennials and students who brighten our days, THANK YOU!!