When to Submit an ESC Plan

A responsible party must submit an ESC plan for permitted development projects to the director for review if the disturbance area is:

1. five thousand square feet or greater in area; or

2. in a special site per SMC 17D.090.080

An erosion and sediment control plan is not required for work that does not require a permit unless otherwise required by the terms of a compliance order or land use decision. When a plan is required, the responsible party shall not commence any construction before the director has accepted the proposed plan. See SMC 17D.090.070(A)-(C).

All erosion and sediment control pans shall comply with the minimum requirements for erosion and sediment control plan standards in this chapter and in the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual. The director will review all ESC plans and may waive items required by the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual where the director determines that certain items are not applicable to a specific application or project. See SMC 17D.090.090. Section 17D.090.110 lists the items that must be addressed in ESC plans.