Predevelopment Conferences

What is a predevelopment conference?

This is an optional meeting, but recommended, between an applicant and representatives of City Departments and other governmental agencies involved in the plan review process. These meetings help applicants determine project feasibility and they provide an overview of requirements to prepare for the application submittal process.

How will a predevelopment conference benefit me?

Pre-development conferences are highly recommended as they identify early on in the process potential obstacles and proposed projects. This helps property owners, contractors and developers, and business owners determine the feasibility of projects before expending much money. Applicants are provided with a comprehensive set of notes after their meeting that detail the requirements, expectations, and code references to assist them with their project. These notes and the meeting help ensure complete and correct submittals when applying for building or land use permits which improve plan review approval times, reduce the need for resubmittals, and save applicants time and money.

How do I schedule a predevelopment conference?

To schedule a pre-development conference, submit a completed pre-development application with 7 copies of a site plan (plus 1 digital copy [pdf]) for the proposed project to the Permit Center on the 3rd Floor of City Hall. A Plans Examiner will screen the submittal to ensure the requirements identified on page 2 of the application have been sufficiently met. Qualifying submittals will then be scheduled for the next available time slot. The applicant will be informed of the set time and date at approved application submittal and again by email.