Attention Centennial Trail Users: Mission Avenue/Railroad Crossing comments due by January 18th

The City of Spokane is evaluating alternatives for the Centennial Trail to cross Mission Avenue and the railroad that bisects the swimming pool complex from Mission Park.  The alternatives that they are looking at include tunnels, overpasses, and at-grade crossings (crosswalks). Comments regarding this critical intersection are due by January 18th.

There are seven alternatives posted on their website.  However, at a meeting last week the city said four of the seven alternatives were cut.   It is important to note that the Friends of the Centennial Trail (FCT) evaluated a number of the crossings a few years ago.  The favored alternative from that process included tunnels beneath both Mission Avenue and the railroad, with an interconnecting trail that was east of the pool (next to the river) and between the pool and the old historic building behind it.  This is not one of the options that made the city’s “cut” list.

The railroad tunnel was 40-50 feet wide, providing a pedestrian-friendly link between the pool and the park, including the parking area.  The use of tunnels, the FCT believed, would enhance the use of the pool and park, and make it safer for people attending swimming events.  It would also provide a safe, below grade crossing for trail users in order to avoid crossing railroad tracks or wait for stoplights.  At last week’s meeting, the city said neither of these two options is being given further consideration.  Neither the city staff present nor the city’s contractor provided clear reasons for ruling these options out.  The City did include a different Mission Avenue tunnel option that could possibly work, but that option did not include a tunnel below the railroad near the pool or parking area.

Trail users are encouraged to comment. Regardless of the options shown on the city’s web site, it is important to consider the trail for trail users and the opportunity to enhance connectivity between the pool and Mission Park, both of which can be accomplished through the use of properly designed tunnels and interconnecting trails.  Even if no options appear on the website that includes tunnels, citizens can still state a preference for such options in their comments.

To view alternatives and plans, click here.

Send comments to:

Grant Wencel

City of Spokane, Capital Programs and GIS

808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.

Spokane, WA  99201

Or email them to:

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