Compost Fair & Arbor Day Celebration
Date: Saturday, April 29 Time: 11 a.m. -2 p.m. Location: John A. Finch Arboretum Learn how to compost at home from Master Composters/Recyclers. Spokane County residents may take home a…
Date: Saturday, April 29 Time: 11 a.m. -2 p.m. Location: John A. Finch Arboretum Learn how to compost at home from Master Composters/Recyclers. Spokane County residents may take home a…
Dates: Friday April 28 and Saturday April 29 Location: Hangman Creek On Water Option: BYO Canoe or equivalent Ground Option: Available Learn more and registration: Click here Along the beautiful,…
The first Earth Day was held in 1970. Since then, it’s grown to include over 190 countries. Each year, millions of people use this day to take a little time…
Spring is typically when redband trout, the Spokane River’s signature native fish, typically spawn, incubate, and emerge. Ways to celebrate with Ribby on April 26th: Be part of the Redband…
Date: Wednesday, April 12th Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: 3515 S. Inland Empire Way. Map it Coeur d’AleneTribe Sqwe’yu’ property As part of researching salmon reintroduction, the Coeur d’Alene Tribe is…
The Spokane River Forum is pleased to announce launch of the Spokane – Kootenai Outdoor Watering Nerds Website, The website empowers individuals to reduce water consumption one user and…
Use your green bin for food scraps, even food-soiled paper like pizza boxes, paper towels, and coffee filters.
Learn to compost. Fruit and vegetable scraps, even coffee grounds, can become black gold for your garden.
Don’t be fooled by “use by,” “sell by” and “best by” labels. If it looks or smells good, it’s likely just fine.
Overripe fruit and wilted veggies are perfect for soup. Aged or frozen fruit is great for smoothies.