The Power of Stewardship at Sullivan Park Water Trail Access

Check out these photos of volunteers getting after it to fix-up the Sullivan Park Water Trail access.

The Problem: In 2017 the City of Spokane Valley was nice enough to install a water trail access at Sullivan Park. The Forum agreed to support long-term maintenance. Weather, scouring and use had caused the stone steps to loosen, causing both safety and other issues.

The Challenge: Restore and rekey the stone steps with additional aggregate (a gravel mix). But do it in a way that wouldn’t mess up the park by using heavy equipment to move aggregate over the greenscape.

The Solution: Close down a lane of traffic on Sullivan Bridge just long enough to shoot aggregate above the high-water mark to the water trail below. Combine the power of staff and volunteers from the Spokane River Forum, Spokane Conservation District and Spokane Riverkeeper to spread the aggregate and rekey the stairs. Then have the Conservation District spray water on the area to firm up the aggregate mix.

Bonus Points: Do it in the morning the day before 100-degree temps visit for a week.

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