Sekani Adventure Day
A common refrain we hear is “Can we try it out?” Thanks to Spokane Parks and Recreation, a family event designed for people of all ages and skill levels, the answer is yes.
What: Sekani Adventure Day (Sign-up on-line, or call 363-5418)
Day: Saturday July, 21st
Time: 10:00 am-3:00 pm
Where: Camp Sekani (map)
Located on Upriver Drive between Upriver Dam and Argonne Road is a little known 237 acre treasure called Camp Sekani. About a fifteen to thirty minute drive away for city and valley folks alike, it’s managed by Spokane Parks and Recreation.
Sekani Adventure day is a hands-on outdoor recreation fair that brings together recreational enthusiasts, outfitters and families. Activities allow you to check out the resources and equipment that serve as your gateway to our region’s bountiful outdoor recreational opportunities.
Activities include kayaking, canoeing, stand up paddle boarding, rafts, dutch oven cooking, mountain biking, rock climbing, scrambling, archery, geocaching, letter boxing, frisbee golf, fly-fishing, art projects, slack lining, and orienteering.
Throw in hula hooping, potato bag races, bean bag toss and other activities and, yes, THERE’S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE.