The “Y” Comes Down, Green Space and River Views Restored
In 2005 the Riverfront Park YMCA was put up for sale. Thus began a long, impassioned debate about what to do with the property. The decision was to tear the building down and restore the site to a natural condition.
The site now features native grasses, perennials, shrubs, and trees. ADA pathways and interpretive signage take people through the site. The roar of the falls and river views with downtown vistas as a backdrop makes this an instant must experience location for tourists and residents alike.
The property was purchased for $5.3 million, with $1 million of funding from the Park Board, $3.3 million from Spokane County Conservation Futures, and a $1 million State of Washington Aquatic Lands Enhancement grant. Park Board funded demolition and restoration was $1.5 million.