Recycle » Clothing & Textiles » Clothing and Textiles (Poor Condition)

Clothing and Textiles (Poor Condition)

You Need to Know

If you have textiles, fibers and clothing that are damaged and unwearable, they can be recycled with other vendors and turned into new products.   

Service Providers
General Information

Textiles take up nearly 8% of our country's landfills & almost all of them take hundreds of years to de-compose. They actually take up more space in our landfill than any other non-durable goods in the solid waste system. When these items are recycled, the benefits are exponential. Recycling conserves raw materials and natural resources, and this means that less has to be extracted, refined, transported and processed. Energy is conserved that would have been used in the manufacturing process of new products. Decreased energy use results in smaller carbon footprints and decreased greenhouse gasses and emissions.