Webpage: www.GrowSmartGrowSafe.org 
This organization has plenty of tools to manage your own home garden in an environmentally friendly way. Grow Smart, Grow Safe has useful information regarding the hazards that can come with pesticides. They have a detailed webpage that clearly states the harsh side effects of chemical based pesticides.
The Grow Smart, Grow Safe® uses a hazard-ranking system based on the pesticide active ingredient review process developed and used by Thurston County Environmental Health Division. Thurston County rates products based on reviews of the pesticide active ingredients. The reviews include but are not limited to: chemical mobility, persistence, bioaccumulation, non-target wildlife toxicity, human toxicity, carcinogenicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, mutagenicity, and applicator safety. Each of these potential hazards are rated from low to high. Products are then listed based on their known hazards.