Spokane County Water Resources

Address: 1004 N Freya St., Spokane, WA 99202logo7-spokanecounty
Phone: 509-477-7579
Website:  www.spokanecounty.org/1192/Water-Resources
Water Resources Center
Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas
SVRP Aquifer Protection Area Map
Water Resources Center Education, Outreach, and Tours
PCB information page and PCB Challenge Poster
Illicit Discharge Hotline: Call 509-477-7525 or 509-625-7999 to report any questionable discharge into the Spokane River.

Spokane County Water Resources Program
The Water Resources Program serves Spokane County residents by protecting the quality and quantity of Spokane County surface and groundwater resources, now and into the future.  It recognizes the many desired uses including domestic, agricultural, recreational, industrial, municipal and hydroelectric.

The mission of the Water Resources Program is:

  • to participate in studies and planning efforts for the protection and use of surface and ground water resources in Spokane County,
  • to serve as informed advisors on these issues to the Spokane County Board of Commissioners, other Spokane County Public Works departments, and local area peer agencies,
  • to provide educational outreach to Spokane County residents including area school districts, private groups, and industry