City of Spokane

dress: 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., Spokane, WA 99201  logo4-cityofspokane
Dial 311 (Outside city limits, use 509-755-CITY(2489))

Questions, Assistance, Reports, or Complaints: Dial 311 or report online at Outside city limits, use 509-755-CITY(2489)
Illicit Discharge Hotline: Call 509-625-7999 or 509-477-7525 to report any questionable discharge into the Spokane River.
Chemical Spill into Sewer or Storm Drain: 509-625-4600; After hours 509-625-4615
Combined Sewer Overflow spill into the Spokane River: 509-625-7900 (note the CSO number on the sign located next to the outfall pipe.)
Spills to Ground or Surface Water: 509-329-3400; After-hours 24/7 response: 1-800-OILS-911 (1-800-645-7911) (See Department of Ecology)

City of Spokane Recycling, Clean Green, HHW and TrashSOLID WASTE GUIDE and RECYCLE STICKER.