811 Know what’s below. Call before you dig.


Whether you are planning to do it yourself or hire a professional, smart digging means calling 811 at least two days before each job. Homeowners often make risky assumptions about whether or not they should get their utility lines marked, but every digging job requires a call – even small projects like planting trees and shrubs.

If you expose or damage gas or electric lines, stop work and call Avista Utilities immediately at (800) 227-9187. Continue reading


The Avista website provides a list of emergency response details under the Safety tab.

Gas Leak
If you smell, hear, or see a gas leak, call us immediately at (800) 227-9187 from a cell phone or neighbors phone.
Although you can’t see natural gas, it’s all around you, maybe in your home, maybe running through pipes in your backyard. Colorless, odorless and lighter than air, natural gas becomes combustible when mixed with air and exposed to an ignition source. That’s why we add an odorant that smells like rotten eggs so you’ll know right away if there’s a problem. For more information on gas safety, visit online here.

Downed Power Line – call us immediately at 800-277-9187

Power Outage – call 800-277-9187 or report online here:
If your power goes out and you have not been notified in advance, please check both your electric meter and your circuit breakers. If the dial on your electric meter is spinning or if the display shows a read or flashing 88888’s, the issue will be with your equipment. Flip all your breakers to the off position and then back to the on position, including the main breaker.

Continue reading

Blue Ridge Services, Inc.

601 Kelly Ridge Road
Victor, MT  59875
Phone: 406 370-8544

At its core, our company is about one thing: the practical application of process improvement. Whether it’s improving a landfill’s airspace consumption, increasing safety at a materials recovery facility (MRF), or conducting on-site training at a transfer station, our team is grounded in decades of operational experience and a strong background in process improvement tools.

Founded in 1988, Blue Ridge Services is a professional consulting firm specializing in solid waste operations and efficiency improvement, facility management, planning, online media training, on-site training, and environmental monitoring/maintenance.

As a consulting company, Blue Ridge Services strives to provide clients with quality, cost-effective consulting and engineering services. Since 1988, we have had the in-house capability and proprietary platforms to provide practical and economical waste consulting services for our clients.

City of Athol

Address: 30355 N 3rd St., P.O. Box 249, Athol, ID 83801
Phone: (208) 683-2101
Website: http://www.cityofathol.us/

Athol residents can use Kootenai County Solid Waste drop off sites near them.  Both north sites are staffed seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Athol site: 7222 E. Howard Rd, Athol – just north of State Highway 54, east of Athol
  • Chilco site: 20835 N. Ramsey Rd, Rathdrum – between Chilco Road and Diagonal Road

Continue reading

City of Cheney

Address: 609 2nd Street, Cheney, WA 99004
Phone and Email: Staff Directory
Website: www.cityofcheney.org/

The City of Cheney provides locally-owned utility services for garbage, recycling, and yard waste disposal. Use these links for online information:

Submit a report here for Code Enforcement issues dealing with substandard housing, junk, unlicensed vehicles, mobile homes, signs and other nuisances.

Cheney Police Department: 509-535-9233

City of Coeur d’Alene

Address: 710 E. Mullan Ave Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814CDA Logo
Phone: 208-769-2300
Webpage: www.cdaid.org

Use Coeur d’Alene Police Department Police Online Citizen Reporting System to report the following incidents:
Abandoned Vehicles, Animal Complaint, Code Enforcement Violation, Credit Card Fraud, Crime Tip. Graffiti, Harassing Phone Calls, Hit and Run, Identity Theft, Lost Property, Scam Calls, Supplemental Report, Theft, Traffic Concerns, Vandalism, Vandalism to Vehicle
Continue reading

City of Fairfield

Address: 218 E. Main St. /  PO Box 334, Fairfield, WA 99012
Phone: (509) 283-2414
Email: fairfieldwa@gmail.com
Website: http://fairfieldwa.com/

The Town of Fairfield receives residential and commercial solid waste collection services from Empire Disposal.  Citizens can take their comingled recyclables to a drop-off container located within its municipality, also serviced by Empire Disposal. Continue reading

City of Harrison

Address: 100 E. Frederick Ave, P.O. Box 73, Harrison, ID 83833
Phone: 208-689-3212
Webpage: www.cityofharrisonidaho.com

Garbage Pick-up Information

Garbage is picked up on Tuesday of each week. A limit of two 32-gallon containers with covers are permitted. Each additional container will be charged $6.80 on your utility bill.

Boxes, papers, tree cuttings and all odd articles must be crushed and/or bundled in lengths not to exceed 5 feet and weigh no more than 50 pounds, with the exception of special hauls.

Call 208-689-3212 for more information.

City of Latah

Address: 108 E. Market St, Latah, WA 99018
Phone: 509-286-3471
Email: latahtown@gmail.com
Website: www.latahwa.com/

The Town of Latah receives residential and commercial solid waste collection services from Empire Disposal.  Citizens can take their comingled recyclables to a drop-off container located within its municipality, also serviced by Empire Disposal.

Continue reading

City of Medical Lake

Address: City Hall P.O. Box 369 124 S. Lefevre Street Medical Lake, WA 99022
logo_longPhone: 509-565-5000
Email: city@medical-lake.org
Webpage: http://medical-lake.org/

Recycling and garbage disposal information is online here: Recycling, Lawn Waste, and Garbage

Law Enforcement Services are provided by the Spokane County Sheriff’s Department. The Crime Check number, 509-456-2233

City of Millwood

Address: 9103 E. Frederick Ave, Millwood WA 99206
Phone: 509-924-0960

Trash, Abandoned Vehicles on private property and other code enforcement complaints can be reported through this link: Code Enforcement.
Complaints may be submitted on Citizens Action Request (CAR) Forms available at City Hall service counters or downloadable here: Citizens Actions Request.  Drop off, fax or mail completed forms to City Hall.

Stray Dogs: The Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service, or SCRAPS, takes in stray dogs and will arrange to pick up animals on weekdays if they are called at 477-2532. They also take animals at their shelter, which is located on 6815 E. Trent Avenue.

City of Post Falls

Address: 408 N Spokane St. Post Falls Idaho 83854
Phone: 208-773-3511 Toll Free:  888-925-9961Post Falls Logo
Webpage: www.postfallsidaho.org


The City of Post Falls provides billing and account management for residential garbage and recycling services. To set up service or for billing account questions, call the Utility Department at 208-777-4504 or go to their webpage here.

City of Spirit Lake

Address: 6042 W. Maine Street, P.O. Box 309, Spirit Lake, ID 83869-0309
Phone: 208-623-2131
Webpage: www.spiritlakeid.gov/

Spirit Lake residents can use Kootenai County Solid Waste drop off sites near them.  Both north sites are staffed seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Athol site: 7222 E. Howard Rd, Athol – just north of State Highway 54, east of Athol
  • Chilco site: 20835 N. Ramsey Rd, Rathdrum – between Chilco Road and Diagonal Road

Continue reading

City of Spokane

dress: 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., Spokane, WA 99201  logo4-cityofspokane
Website: https://my.spokanecity.org/
Dial 311 (Outside city limits, use 509-755-CITY(2489))

Questions, Assistance, Reports, or Complaints: Dial 311 or report online at https://my.spokanecity.org/account/report/ Outside city limits, use 509-755-CITY(2489)
Illicit Discharge Hotline: Call 509-625-7999 or 509-477-7525 to report any questionable discharge into the Spokane River.
Chemical Spill into Sewer or Storm Drain: 509-625-4600; After hours 509-625-4615
Combined Sewer Overflow spill into the Spokane River: 509-625-7900 (note the CSO number on the sign located next to the outfall pipe.)
Spills to Ground or Surface Water: 509-329-3400; After-hours 24/7 response: 1-800-OILS-911 (1-800-645-7911) (See Department of Ecology)

City of Spokane Recycling, Clean Green, HHW and TrashSOLID WASTE GUIDE and RECYCLE STICKER.

City of Spokane Valley

Spokane Valley LogoAddress: 10210 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Phone: 509‑720‑5000
Webpage: www.spokanevalley.org
Email: cityhall@spokanevalley.org

Storm-water/Drainage: To report a Storm-water, storm drainage, or illegal discharge problem in the City of Spokane Valley, you can do so here.

To learn about Solid Waste and Recycling, you can read information here.

City of Worley

Address: 9936 W. E Street, Worley, ID 83876
Phone/Fax: 208-686-1258
Webpage: http://www.cityofworley.org/index.html

The City of Worley provides its residents with water, sewer and garbage collection services (every Wednesday morning).

Garbage collection is REQUIRED within the City of Worley’s service area. Garbage collection is scheduled for each Wednesday between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. GARBAGE MUST BE SET OUT AT THE STREET BY 8 A.M. TO INSURE PICKUP.

32 gallon size or smaller cans with lids will be accepted (no heavy metal barrels). Garbage MUST BE BAGGED. Bigger than 32 gallon size cans will be charged at the 2 can rate. Do not set garbage in boxes or bags of any kind on the ground. Any scattered garbage will not be picked up.


ConsumerAffairs.com  Consumer Affairs
297 Kingsbury Grade, Suite 1025, Mailbox 4470
Lake Tahoe, NV 89449-4470

ConsumerAffairs.com is a private, non-governmental web-based consumer news and resource center. They are not a government agency and not affiliated with any other consumer organization.  See FAQs for more information.

NOTE:  ConsumerAffairs charges a fee to companies to become accredited.

Continue reading

Department of Ecology Eastern Regional Office

Address: 4601 N Monroe, Spokane, WA 99205-1295logo2-doe
Website:  http://www.ecy.wa.gov/
Phone: 509-329-3400, 509-329-3529 fax
Report a Spill: 1-800-OILS-911 or 509-329-3400
Hearing loss – call 711 or 1-800-833-6384 for Washington Relay Service
Speech disability – call 877-833-6341 Continue reading

E-Cycle Washington

Washington’s FREE, convenient and environmentally responsible electronics recycling program has been operational since January 1, 2009. Products accepted for free at E-Cycle Washington drop-off sites include:

  • Televisions
  • Computers
  • Computer monitors
  • Portable or laptop computers
  • Tablets
  • E-readers (also called e-book readers)

Please note that computer peripherals such as keyboards, mice, and printers are not included in this program.

Continue reading


Website: www.earth911.comearth911 logo
Contact us here

Mission: Our vision and mission are simple – create a community that helps consumers find their own shade of green, match their values to their purchase behavior, adopt environmentally sound practices and drive impactful environmental changes. We are here to deliver a mix of targeted content, eco-conscious products and environmental actions so that you can live a happier, healthier, sustainable lifestyle; one that protects this wonderful planet we all call home.

eBook: Household Hazardous Waste & Water Conservation

Online Interactive Guide | Downloadable PDF

This guide can help Spokane County residents reduce your use of hazardous
products and properly dispose of waste. Information found under Waste Facts,
Safer Alternatives & Tips suggests less harmful substitutes to hazardous
products in your home. You may find that some of these substitutes require more
“elbow grease,” but they can help reduce your family’s exposure to
hazardous substances.

This guide also provides Water Saving Tips for your home and yard.
Living over the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer can make it
hard to see the need for water conservation. After all, the region has
no watering restrictions and it seems like there will always be enough
water. But the truth is that water conservation saves a lot more than
just water. Using less water saves energy, reduces pollution, saves you
money, protects future water supplies and keeps water in the Spokane
River for fish and wildlife. Let’s work together to protect water quality
and conserve our precious resource.

Grow Smart, Grow Safe

Webpage: www.GrowSmartGrowSafe.org  grow smart grow safe logo

This organization has plenty of tools to manage your own home garden in an environmentally friendly way. Grow Smart, Grow Safe has useful information regarding the hazards that can come with pesticides. They have a detailed webpage that clearly states the harsh side effects of chemical based pesticides.

The Grow Smart, Grow Safe® uses a hazard-ranking system based on the pesticide active ingredient review process developed and used by Thurston County Environmental Health Division. Thurston County rates products based on reviews of the pesticide active ingredients. The reviews include but are not limited to: chemical mobility, persistence, bioaccumulation, non-target wildlife toxicity, human toxicity, carcinogenicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, mutagenicity, and applicator safety. Each of these potential hazards are rated from low to high. Products are then listed based on their known hazards.

Guardian Restoration & Cleaning

5420 N Corrigan Rd
Otis Orchards, WA 99027
Phone: 509 891-5301

For over 20 years, the professionals at Guardian have provided Spokane with trustworthy and quality steam cleaning, restoration, and reconstruction services. Our experienced team uses the best equipment and products so that your space is restored to its natural beauty.


Idaho Department of Environmental Quality

Address: 2110 Ironwood Parkway, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814logo_ideq
Website: IDEQ Coeur d’Alene Regional Office
208-769-1422, toll-free: 877-370-0017
Emergency Hotline: 
1.800.632.8000 or 208.846.7610  – Only for urgent pollution incidents like dumping or spills in the state of Idaho. This will activate the emergency response network of state and local authorities
Make a Report: Report an Environmental Concern in Idaho Continue reading

Industrial Materials Exchange (IMEX)

Website: http://www.hazwastehelp.org/IMEX/index.aspx

Email: imex@kingcounty.gov

The Industrial Materials Exchange (IMEX) is the Pacific Northwest’s largest industrial materials exchange with a wide variety of both available and wanted materials. Based in Seattle, it primarily serves businesses in the Oregon, Idaho, and Washington region.

IMEX is a free listing service to

  • help you or your business sell or give away your surplus materials and wastes and
  • help you or your business find materials for use.

Kootenai County Idaho

Physical Address:Kootenai County Administration
451 Government Way
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814

Mailing Address:
Kootenai County, PO Box 9000
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-9000

Website: www.kcgov.us
Phone: 208-446-1000
For additional information or to file a complaint

Recycling and Solid Waste: Contact the offices at 3650 Ramsey Road
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83815 Telephone: (208) 446-1430. Or see the Recycling webpage and the Solid Waste webpage. Continue reading

LightRecycle Washington

LightRecycle.orgAs of January 1, 2015, Washington State residents will be able to recycle mercury-containing lights at no charge, through the LightRecycle Washington Program. You can drop lights off at authorized Collection Sites throughout Washington State.

Categories of acceptable lights include fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and high intensity discharge lights (HIDs).  Also accepted are accidentally broken lights, in sealed containers, such as a plastic bag. Follow these safety procedures for broken fluorescent lights.

Why Recycle?
Washington State law now requires that all mercury-containing lights be recycled. All fluorescent and High Intensity Discharge lights contain mercury – a potent neurotoxin.

Although a single fluorescent light contains a very small amount of mercury, millions of these lights are sold every year in Washington State. Taken together, the mercury from fluorescent lights and HIDs has potential to harm human health and the environment if not properly recycled.

FAQs: https://www.lightrecycle.org/resources/faqs/


Master Composters/Recyclers

Website: www.spokanecounty.org/2024/Master-Composter-Program
Facebook: http://www.spokanecounty.org/2024/Master-Composter-Program
Phone: 509-625-6521
Email: kmajor@spokanecity.org

Volunteer Master Composters and Recyclers play an active role in Spokane County’s Regional Solid Waste System by teaching citizens how to reduce waste through home composting and recycling. Becoming a Master Composter is easy as 1-2-3:

  1. New volunteers attend Master Composter/Recycler spring training sessions and receive a free compost bin, reference books, and instructional materials.
  2. after their training, Master Composters and Recyclers are asked to contribute 40 hours of volunteer service to help inform and encourage others.
  3. Master Composter and Recycler graduates share their enthusiasm at community gatherings, compost fairs, schools, clubs, etc. by interacting with the public, giving presentations, or working behind the scenes.

This successful Master Composter and Recycler Program has been in effect since 1988. Every year the list of volunteers completing the program continues to grow and community outreach increases. For more information and to learn about signing up for the next class, email or call Kris Major at 509-625-6521

Leaf Letter – View previous quarterly newsletters for the Spokane Master Composter and Recycler Program in our Archive Center.

Mesothelioma Justice Network

The Mesothelioma Justice Network is dedicated to helping victims of asbestos-related diseases seek justice.  We work with a team of medical and legal professionals to help you understand your treatment and legal options.  We are available 24/7 to answer your questions and help you get the financial compensation you may deserve.  Call: (855) 202-6246
Visit www.asbestos.net and Get a Free Justice Guide Continue reading

North America Hazardous Materials Management Association

Address: 12011 Tejon Street, Suite 700 Westminster, CO 80234NAHMMA logo
Toll Free: (877) 292-1403
Webpage: www.nahmma.org

NAHMMA Mission: The North America Hazardous Materials Management Association (NAHMMA) is a non-profit, membership-based association of individuals, businesses, government officials, academia, and non-profit organizations dedicated to pollution prevention and reducing the hazardous components entering municipal waste streams from households, small businesses and other entities.

To find out when their next conference is, check out their calendar.

Panhandle Health District

The Panhandle Health District serves Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Shoshone and Benewah Counties through numerous public health programs and services.

Website: http://panhandlehealthdistrict.org/

Kootenai County
8500 N. Atlas Rd
Hayden, ID 83835
(208) 415-5100 (Main), Toll-free: 1(800) 878-2364
Other North Idaho locations

Report a public health risk: http://panhandlehealthdistrict.org/homemain/agency-info/contactstems of Norht Idaho

Environmental Services protects public water system of North Idaho.
Erik Ketner, Program Manager – (208) 415-5220

Contact Environmental Services:

  • Kootenai Co.: (208) 415-5220
  • Benewah Co.: (208) 245-4556
  • Bonner Co.: (208) 265-638
  • Boundary Co.: (208) 267-5558
  • Shoshone Co.: (208) 783-0707

Environmental Programs include Water Protection and Solid Waste programs, and Septic Permits and Records.

Water Protection Programs – Water is the most important natural resource on Earth. Protecting water used for human consumption, such as for drinking, cooking, and hand washing is of utmost importance to Panhandle Health District. Our highly trained Environmental Health Specialists inspect and manage critical materials, drinking water, non-domestic waste water, shallow injection wells and water from the Rathdrum-Prairie Aquifer.

Continue reading

Panhandle Stormwater & Erosion Education Program


University of Idaho
Harbor Center
1031 N Academic Way
Coeur d’Alene ID,  83814
Phone: (208) 292-2540

Stormwater and erosion of soils can complicate life for everyone. If left unmanaged, they threaten water quality, health and safety of the public, and the economy. Continue reading

Resource Synergy

Resource Synergy rs-logo-1Contact: Erik Makinson
Website: resource-synergy.com
email: erik@resource-synergy.com
Phone: 509-SYNERGY (509-796-3749)
Materials Serviced:  All non-hazardous commercial waste.

Resource Synergy is a consulting organization that helps Inland Northwest businesses reduce costs and increase brand value by wasting less and recycling more. Founded in 2015, the company leverages the expertise of recycling consultant and thought leader, Erik Makinson. Resource Synergy helps businesses, non-profits and government agencies overcome adoption barriers, ensuring the success of waste prevention and diversion programs.  Continue reading

Spokane Aquifer Joint Board

Address: 1521 N Argonne Rd. Suite C, PMB 250logo3-sajb
Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Contact: https://www.spokaneaquifer.org/contact/
Website: www.spokaneaquifer.org
Find My Water Provider
Aqua Duck “Defender of the Aquifer”
Email info@spokaneaquifer.org to request an Aqua Duck appearance at your school or community event.

Local Water Utilities United for Safe Drinking Water
The Spokane Aquifer Joint Board (SAJB) is comprised of twenty-one water purveyors throughout the Spokane area dedicated to providing safe, clean drinking water to your homes, offices and industries every day. Collectively we operate 122 wells, supplying drinking water to more than 500,000 people in the Spokane area. Each purveyor draws water from the same source – the SPOKANE VALLEY – RATHDRUM PRAIRIE AQUIFER. Continue reading

Spokane County Water Resources

Address: 1004 N Freya St., Spokane, WA 99202logo7-spokanecounty
Phone: 509-477-7579
Website:  www.spokanecounty.org/1192/Water-Resources
Water Resources Center
Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas
SVRP Aquifer Protection Area Map
Water Resources Center Education, Outreach, and Tours
PCB information page and PCB Challenge Poster
Illicit Discharge Hotline: Call 509-477-7525 or 509-625-7999 to report any questionable discharge into the Spokane River.
Continue reading

Spokane Regional Health District

Address: 1101 W College Ave, Spokane, WA 99201logo1-srhd
Phone: 509-324-1500 – Health Emergencies (24 hours)
Toll-free: 1-888-535-0597
TDD: 509-324-1464
Website: http://www.srhd.org/
Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm (Program hours may vary.)

See PROGRAMS AND SERVICES for a complete list of services.

Programs include: Birth and Death Certificates, Breast, Cervical, and Colon Health, Immunizations for Schools & Child Care, Dental InformationEmergency PreparednessEnvironmental Public HealthFood Safety, HIV/STD Prevention, Opioid Treatment Program, WIC Nutrition Program
Continue reading

Spokane River Forum

Address: 2206 S. Sherman, Spokane, WA 99203
E-mail: info@spokaneriver.net
Website: http://spokaneriver.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spokaneriverforum/
Phone: 509-535-7084
Fax: 509-535-3986

The Spokane River Forum’s mission is to create materials, events and activities that promote regional dialogues for sustaining a healthy river system while meeting the needs of a growing population.

Along with the Spokane/Kootenai Waste Directory, initiatives include:

Spokane River Forum organizes several annual events:


Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force – Outreach

The goal of this website is to provide information about polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and the challenge of removing them from our environment. Members of the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force (SRRTTF or Task Force) provide funding for this website so that accurate and useful public education is shared. Continue reading

Spokane Riverkeeper

Address: 35 W. Main Avenue Suite 300  Spokane, WA 99201logo8-srk
Website: www.spokaneriverkeeper.org
: Jerry White, Jr.  jerry@cforjustice.org
Phone: 509-835-5211  Fax: 509-835-3867
Rick Eichstaedt, Center for Justice Executive Director / Riverkeeper Attorney ricke@cforjustice.org
Make a Report: Pollution Hotline – Report Pollution or illicit discharges entering the Spokane River Continue reading

Town of Rockford

Address: 20 W. Emma St. / P.O. Box 49, Rockford, WA 99030-0049
Phone: 509-291-4716
Website: www.rockfordwa.com/

The Town of Rockford receives residential and commercial solid waste collection services from Empire Disposal.

Rockford residents and businesses also have access to the Spokane County facilities for solid waste, clean green, recycling, household hazardous waste, conditionally exempt small quantity generator waste, and education and outreach programs..

Rockford publishes a monthly newsletter which can be downloaded here.

Washington Stormwater Center

Website: www.wastormwatercenter.orgstormwater logo
Contact Us
Toll Free: (855) WASTORM
Illegal Discharge Hotline: (509) 477-7525 Report illicit discharges into a gutter or other stormwater drainage system.

The mission of the Washington Stormwater Center is to protect Washington’s waters through improvements in stormwater management, serving as the central resource in Washington for integrated National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) education, permit technical assistance, stormwater management and new technology research, development, and evaluation.

We will help you navigate complexities and challenges to realize the rewards of stormwater management. Our staff provides assistance, information resources, and training on stormwater management. Washington Stormwater Center provides a gateway to research, information and new, innovative, and emerging technologies Continue reading

Waste 2 Resources

Waste 2 Resources program coordinates solid waste management and recyclinglogo2-doe programs in Washington. The state is committed to reducing and recycling waste wherever possible, and safely managing what remains. The program also provides permitting and regulatory oversight for major industrial facilities in Washington.

Find out where to recycle almost anything: 1-800-RECYCLE hotline Continue reading